De-stress with breathing exercises

Slowing down during or post-work can often seem like an uphill battle. However, embracing moments of rest and rejuvenation is more essential than one might realize. Take a breather today – your body and mind will thank you.

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Tight hips?

Do you struggle with rigid hips, making standing up a challenge? This could be a sign of a sedentary lifestyle. But don’t fret – there’s a remedy!

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One little minute

Movement is good stuff. And believe it or not, a minute of exercise actually makes a difference to your health.

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Get the home office working

Working from home from time to time has become the new normal. But having the workplace at home has its pitfalls. Check out our tips to make it work!

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Tired after lunch?

Good lunch box or a fancy lunch at the restaurant? Not infrequently, the not-so-pleasant food coma appears shortly after lunch. Tired, drowsy and not in…

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How does your body feel?

Computer mouse fatigue, vulture neck and maybe you hear your shoulders crack a bit. Does it feel familiar? There is actually a cure. And it’s…

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